Current status

All systems operational
Firmware File Repository
Windows App
DDD Credits Purchases/Spending

Past incidents

DDD Server Move - Update

All systems have now been tested and are back online. Thanks for your patience!

DDD Server Move - Services Online

Thanks for your patience guys. SSL Config completed, website & app functionality is restored. I will spend a short while checking all admin backend systems and then will restore DDD Credit purchases.

Network Issue

This page is usually about DDD, however as i operate DJI-Rev and DDD and the recent issues meant i couldn't update anyone about either service as the server hosts have had major issues, i will update both here. DJI-Rev came back online at 01:35 GMT and went down again shortly afterwards, within a couple of minutes. After another brief outage for DJI-Rev, DDD and DJI-Rev came back online as of 01:58. Please bear with me if there is any downtime over the next few hrs, it is gone 2AM here so i need to sleep and won't be able to keep on top of anything until the morning. Any downtime is outside of my control and is entirely on the server hosts so there is very little (nothing) i can do about it except wait. For reference, DJI-Rev and DDD are on TOTALLY different servers, DDD is a dedicated server and DJI-Rev is a virtual server due to the resource and technical requirements of both systems differing greatly, however whatever happened at the server hosts (yes, they're still being vague, i think it is WAN related on their end) affected basically all connectivity from the data centre that both systems are hosted in as they're both maintained by one host. Regardless, we're currently back online and hopefully it stays this way!

Network Issue

Server hosts are being annoyingly vague, just stating that DDD's servers (and if anyone is interested) are affected by a major outage on their side. Interestingly, DDD runs on dedicated haveware whilst DJI-Rev is a virtual server. Both platforms on their end seen to be affected. I can therefore only deduce that this is indeed a network issue on the hosts side. They were unable to give me any lead time on a resolution, just "it will come back up soon". I will of course update here as soon as this happens, however is is 23:42 as i type this message so it may happen during the early hours of the morning when i dont notice. Bear with me as its out of my hands currently....

Network Issue

Having some kind of NIC/Network related issue with the server currently, this is affecting all services. I am currently looking into what is going on.